Wednesday, November 5, 2008

hello fall

i update this it seems... seasonally. i always seem to comment on the amount of change, which may sound redundant but expected. my senior year is proving to be a lot less insane than last year, but i have my fair share of strange and unusual pressures and worries.
i think i'm just a naturally anxious person, but don't mistaken it for a naturally miserable person. ; -)

this season i've managed to finally shuffled my way into driver's training like a true blue late bloomer and weaseled on in getting accepted at madonna university. not bad, right? i have plenty of doubts concerning both, but things strangely always work out. i'm not sure how, but the cosmos align to my favor almost always. except in the presidential elections, but that wasn't my choice this time around. hopefully in the next four years t shirt sales won't sway voters!

this year i'm writing this years movie, dare to be amish, with the help of one of my more hilarious friends, international superstar, dom. i can sort of relax with this movie, although i am very involved in it, just as involved as last year. but i can be a little less paranoid and have some breathing room. plus, i don't have to spend hours in the morning on weekend shoots putting on pounds of makeup. overall, i'm extremely happy with the story and i find it very hilarious. i am also passionate about writing it, which is vital.

halloween this year was fantastic! the best halloween yet, i'd say, parts 1 & 2! halloween part one was spent at this year's *high school movie star* evan's haunted house. all the proceeds and awareness went toward ovarian cancer, which is something that hits pretty close to home. the following morning was the first shoot, so we all loaded up and traveled out to the middle of nowhere to a real life farm to begin shooting this amish blockbuster. we were surrounded by bounceboards and tripods and goats (trying to eat most of our equiptment). mind you, this was extremely early and we all looked less than fabulous. halloween part 2 involved beth's bonfire extravaganza, where i got to see some of my loves. overall, a very busy weekend last week but quite worth it. next weekend is madonna's open house, so i won't be able to make it to the second farm shoot. yet, i'm sure we'll be at that location, wherever it is, plenty.
i've always started the pre production stages of my documentary concerning the math disability called dyscalculia. it's a very intensely personal thing i seem to deal with each day, so im a little nervous to really get it going. but i'll start to feel a lot better once i finish it, knowing that it's helped me and others. plus, i can't have it be completely serious! i need to laugh at myself to keep sane.
the holidays are coming up (which is crazy to say because halloween wasn't even a week ago..) and i have to mentally prepare myself for all that insanity. i'll probably post some in-depth crapola about how 2008 has been the best year......ever. ;-)
as for words of wisdom, oberst never disappoints.
So now I try to keep up, I've been exchanging my currency.
While a million objects pass through my periphery.
Now I'm rubbing my eyes 'cause they're starting to bother me.
I've been staring too long at the screen.
But where was it when I first heard a sweet sound of humility?
It came to my ears in the goddamn loveliest melody.
How grateful I was then to be part of the mystery,to love and to be loved.
Let's just hope that is enough.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


its been a coon's age (i dont know what that means but i think it means a long time) since i have publically updated and let the internet know, vaguely, what has been going on in my life! and thinking back, so many things have changed. well, as expected.

northwestern, i cannot sum up into a single phrase or adjective. it was everything i wanted it to be, everything i didnt want it to be, and things i could never expect. there were days when i wanted to tie cement shoes to my feet and sink right to lake michigan. i learned a lot about people, myself, and what was a true test of my sanity and my patience with myself and others. there were times when i struggled creatively, but overcame and created something that i thought wasn't too shabby. screenwriting, i have assumed, is something i want to do with the rest of my life. it might not be realistic but i want it more than new york wanted flav. (which might be a bit fishy since she has a 2nd spin off about wanting stardom??) but one thing remains, i needed to be home after those 5 weeks. it was a miracle that i had my best friends there. who knew michigan could be this fabulous? or WDHS, rather :-*

seems crazy but things have changed since northwestern. school is days off and the only real worry i've had is ap lit homework. before i left for chi city (as pictured above, and yes, i actually took that. don't mistaken it for skill.) i picked up the death of ivan ilych and wiped my ass with it (meaning i couldnt be payed to pick it up and begin reading). turns out after i read it, it's one of my favorites ever. don't judge a book by its cover?? is this a motif throughout my summer... or rather, life?

hahaha, i'd like to change the face of the film & video industry ... you dont have to be a skinhead with combat boots! (a minor obstacle at northwestern, but judgement follows everyone everywhere, a bit like bad bone structure.)

i have offically changed my email adress to a variation of my name, which i think is probably an upgrade, a way people can take me seriously on the..internets, who ever heard of such a thing. next week is not only the start of senior year, but the start of me trying to bribe my way into some (blind/dont read applications/dont cost 2.7 mil to get in) colleges. this means a construction of my portfolio. yikes.

im sweating, but just a little. for the most part, i seem to have everything i need right now, in all aspects. of course, i still have no dog.

look at that glamour shot. i wonder if he'd fit in my purse. ;-D

Thursday, June 12, 2008

whats hanninininin?

well some way, that probably defies the laws of physics and overall life - i have survived junior year and mysteriously have found myself face to face with my last year of high school. following that, we have high fived and ran arm and arm into the fading sun.

in all reality, i have no idea how i made it through this year. between AP lang, the movie, passing mathmatiks, and the ever persistant teenaged woes that come standard with existance ... i had no time to sit down and not enough sanity left to process thought.

and things are still crazy, even if it's summer 08 and that's exciting within itself. i have time to finally sleep in, but that will change in three weeks when i find myself in evanston, illinois with all my main bitches - for five weeks. i hope to have many realizations there. i'm partially being sarcastic.

all in all life is dandy and definately sassy. as always.


katy perry - one of the boys
coldplay - violet hill
afi - ether
katy perry - hot n cold
metro station - shake it
the shins - turn on me

plenty others, i always forget

p.s these are always so funny

Saturday, May 10, 2008

nothing about this year has been easy but im exactly where i want to be regardless

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

very nice

the 24th was a night that i was very overcome with pride & happiness, along with a million other swells of emotion that caused me to become overcome. everyone has done such a wonderful job and it clearly showed. i am very thankful to all the local buisnesses, individuals, parents, press, and teachers who made that night possible.

also, without the support of big d himself, this production wouldn't have the proper guidance. personally, i am very grateful for this opportunity he has given me to explore a new medium in film.

the 24th was fantastic and so help me hannah has definately worth it. i am now very antsy to move on and progress toward a new goal. northwestern this summer is a very exciting, and that will only help me toward narrowing down the answer to the infamous question of:
'so what do you want to do with your life'

the occupation of a qvc hand model is still not out of the question.

Friday, April 18, 2008

sexy love

to be my date at the premiere

a) you must have very strange balding and random patches of hair where hair shouldnt really be (shoulders, forehead, ect)
b) you can only have a maximum of 7 teeth
c) you must walk with a sturdy gait that sways from side to side with often jerking motions
d) peg legs work good too

get those apps in, fellas!