Wednesday, August 27, 2008


its been a coon's age (i dont know what that means but i think it means a long time) since i have publically updated and let the internet know, vaguely, what has been going on in my life! and thinking back, so many things have changed. well, as expected.

northwestern, i cannot sum up into a single phrase or adjective. it was everything i wanted it to be, everything i didnt want it to be, and things i could never expect. there were days when i wanted to tie cement shoes to my feet and sink right to lake michigan. i learned a lot about people, myself, and what was a true test of my sanity and my patience with myself and others. there were times when i struggled creatively, but overcame and created something that i thought wasn't too shabby. screenwriting, i have assumed, is something i want to do with the rest of my life. it might not be realistic but i want it more than new york wanted flav. (which might be a bit fishy since she has a 2nd spin off about wanting stardom??) but one thing remains, i needed to be home after those 5 weeks. it was a miracle that i had my best friends there. who knew michigan could be this fabulous? or WDHS, rather :-*

seems crazy but things have changed since northwestern. school is days off and the only real worry i've had is ap lit homework. before i left for chi city (as pictured above, and yes, i actually took that. don't mistaken it for skill.) i picked up the death of ivan ilych and wiped my ass with it (meaning i couldnt be payed to pick it up and begin reading). turns out after i read it, it's one of my favorites ever. don't judge a book by its cover?? is this a motif throughout my summer... or rather, life?

hahaha, i'd like to change the face of the film & video industry ... you dont have to be a skinhead with combat boots! (a minor obstacle at northwestern, but judgement follows everyone everywhere, a bit like bad bone structure.)

i have offically changed my email adress to a variation of my name, which i think is probably an upgrade, a way people can take me seriously on the..internets, who ever heard of such a thing. next week is not only the start of senior year, but the start of me trying to bribe my way into some (blind/dont read applications/dont cost 2.7 mil to get in) colleges. this means a construction of my portfolio. yikes.

im sweating, but just a little. for the most part, i seem to have everything i need right now, in all aspects. of course, i still have no dog.

look at that glamour shot. i wonder if he'd fit in my purse. ;-D